その他の情報Multicultural Coexistence

Information From CIR CIRからのお知らせ

A consultant for the Miyagi Support Center for Foreign Nationals and a Miyagi Prefectural Coordinator for International Relations(CIR) will share information about daily life in their respective languages from time to time. In addition to information about daily life, they will also share stories about differences between Japan and their respective countries and so on, so please check it out!

How to walk safely on winter roads!(12.22.2021)

The temperature is dropping, and snow season is here. Roads can freeze over on cold days, so it’s important to be careful. In particular, there are instances of people slipping and breaking a bone during the first part of winter, when many people aren’t yet used to walking on winter roads. Learning how to walk safely on these roads will give you some peace of mind.

◎What places are the most slippery?
The road tends to be trampled in places that people and vehicles often travel on, making many of these places smooth and slippery, so keep this in mind. Some examples are crosswalks (especially on the white lines), roads with entrances and exits for cars, stops for busses and taxis, places with tiled floors, entrances and exits of buildings, and areas around a subway entrance and exit.

How to walk without slipping:
・Take small steps
・Try to use the entire sole of your foot when taking steps
・Give yourself plenty of time to get where you’re going and don’t hurry

◎Things to keep in mind:
・Allow yourself plenty of time when traveling
・Be sure to stay focused when walking
・Avoid walking with both hands full or with both hands in your pockets
・Wear slip-resistant shoes

A CIR’s Perspective:《CIRから》
Adjusting to winter weather can be difficult, especially for those of us from places where winters are mild, or even nonexistent. As someone from sunny California, Japan’s winters are much harsher than the winters I grew up with, where icy roads and snowy weather were not an issue. I didn’t have to buy my first pair of snow boots until I was an adult, experiencing my first winter Japan! It certainly takes some getting used to, but even for those who aren’t used to ice and snow, by keeping the above advice in mind you too can safely enjoy this special season.

Sapporo! A Comprehensive Guide to Walking Safely and Comfortably on Winter Roads


About preparation for the earthquake(12.10.2021)

Japan is a country where earthquakes occur often. Since we do not know when and where an earthquake will happen, it is necessary to always be prepared. Let us introduce you to information about earthquake preparedness taken from the Miyagi Prefectural Government’s multilingual Disaster Preparedness Handbook for Foreign Residents. The Disaster Preparedness Handbook for Foreign Residents contains information in eight different languages. (English, Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Nepalese, Indonesian, and Japanese)

◎The Main Types of Natural Disasters and What To Do When They Happen (Be sure to read this to see what you should do when an earthquake happens!)
主な災害と対処方法(地震が起きたらどうしたらよいか確認しておきましょう!  (Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Tagalog)   (Japanese, English, Vietnamese, Nepalese, Indonesian)

◎Preparing for Disasters (Take comfort in knowing you’re always prepared!)
災害への備えについて(日頃から備えておくと安心です)   (Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Tagalog)   (Japanese, English, Vietnamese, Nepalese, Indonesian)

◎When Disaster Strikes (Contains Japanese words and phrases that you can actually use when disaster strikes)
災害が起きたら(実際に災害が起きた時にすぐに使える日本語などを紹介しています) (Japanese,English,Chinese,Korean,Tagalog)  (Japanese, English, Vietnamese, Nepalese, Indonesian)

《From CIR》About the difference between Japan’s wind and flood damage and home country
Though California is known for its many earthquakes, my hometown of Sacramento rarely feels even a tremor, so it wasn’t until I moved to Japan that I experienced my first earthquake. I knew before coming to Japan that it is a country prone to earthquakes and other natural disasters, so I made sure to read up on where to evacuate to in case of an emergency and other information in order to be prepared as possible in the event of an earthquake or any other natural disaster. When I finally felt my first tremors, I was a little scared, but I also felt reassured that I knew exactly how and where to evacuate to if the earthquake turned out to be serious. Thankfully, it was just a small one, and I have not experienced a major natural disaster in Japan, but I also take comfort in knowing that I am prepared.